Style Pairing with Punch

Style Pairing with punch I call it. She e-mailed me wanting to update their beloved TV room.  But without making the other stuff in the room appear off, I told her.  So this Christopher Farr rug fit the bill!  We chose the colors from these tiny little yarn things to work with the existing olio [...]

By |2022-04-15T22:06:36+00:00March 10th, 2022|Design Style Pairing|Comments Off on Style Pairing with Punch

Those Finishing Touches

  The art & accessories budget used to be the first casualty in the war on interior design budgets.  That mindset has evolved over the years as we’ve become savvier regarding how much satisfaction we demand from our interiors.  We want to look at beautiful objects, not just use them, so pleasing aesthetics now are […]

By |2022-04-15T22:07:53+00:00March 10th, 2022|Design Responsibly, Design Style Pairing|1 Comment
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